Pen Mill Infant and Nursery Academy

Strong foundations, greater opportunities.

Our child centred, language rich curriculum will enable every pupil to maximize their potential. They will recognise their strengths, develop a love for learning and be fully prepared for the next stage of their journey.

SEN - Special Educational Needs


Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn the same curriculum content and experience the same opportunities as their classmates. Leaders identify and assess their needs quickly. In classrooms, pupils with SEND are well cared for. OFSTED 2022


At Pen Mill Infant and Nursery Academy our ethos of providing challenging and stimulating learning includes pupils with special educational needs as we strive to ensure the highest possible success for all pupils regardless of their need.

As a small and very friendly school we can offer your child the highest individual care as we get to know your child extremely well during their time with us. In our nurturing school every member of our highly experienced staff will know your child and their needs exceptionally well and there is a huge emphasis on working closely with parents and carers.

We are committed to ensuring equal opportunities, inclusion and freedom from discrimination for all our pupils. We value all children in our school equally and strive to ensure that they enjoy equality of opportunity in all areas of the curriculum.


Below this brief explanation of provision for SEND at Pen Mill and links to more detailed documents including the SEN Policy, the School’s Local Offer and useful websites.


SEND Provision -

The term 'Special Educational Needs' (SEN) has a legal definition, referring to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn or access education than most children of the same age. Children with Special Educational Needs are assessed when they arrive in school or as soon as their needs become apparent.

Some needs are quite mild, requiring no more intervention than quality first teaching, regular encouragement and monitoring; some children need carefully differentiated work, while others’ needs are greater, and may require one or more of a range of strategies.

A record of every child on the SEND register logs their needs, the support they have received and their progress and is kept by the co-ordinator.

All teachers have a responsibility to identify and meet the special educational needs of pupils. Those children should be taught together with their peers as much as possible and have full access to the national curriculum. We understand that children make progress at different rates and have different ways in which they learn best. When planning lessons based around the National Curriculum, your child's teacher will take account of this by looking carefully at how they organise their lessons, classroom, books and materials.


Your child’s progress at school -

All children on the SEND register have a provision map which outlines support and planned interventions, which are logged and monitored using intervention files kept by the class teacher. These documents identify the steps that are to be taken to support the child's learning, learning targets and a date for reviewing progress. Parents are invited to reviews which assess progress made under the current plan and set new targets.

Where the school alone does not have the resources to provide sufficient help for the child a full assessment is carried out and, if the authorities agree to a ‘Education, Heath and Care Plan’(EHCP), help can be provided from central funds.

Many children make good progress when given some extra help and are then no longer recorded on the SEND register; others will continue to need support if they are to make progress in the curriculum.


Policies and Contacts -

We have a Special Educational Needs policy which is available to any parents.  Our policy follows the new Code of Practice for pupils with Special Educational Needs 2014 and the Equality Act 2010.

Mrs Louise Cullen is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).

Should you have questions about our SEND provision,  please do not hesitate to contact the school. 

If you would like further information regarding the new SEN Code of Practice, please click the link below:-

If you have any concerns or queries regarding your child's SEND needs, please contact Mrs Cullen via the school office



Please read the SEN Policy for details of admissions for children with special educational needs and accessibility. 


SEN Report - SEN Report

See our SEN School Offer

Read our Special Education Needs Policy

Read our Accessibility plan and Designated Teacher for Looked after and previously Looked After Children policy

Local Offer

Somerset Safeguarding Effective Support for Special Educational Needs Pupils


Useful SEN websites:

Speech and language

Advice and support on how to refer your child for a speech and language assessment.

Useful information for parents, carers and children.


Talking point gives parents/carers and practitioners the information they need to help children develop their speech, language and communication skills.

This website has a progress checker to review a child’s speech.



Useful information and advice about how to deal with bullying and the impact that bullying can have.



The National Autistic Society provide useful advice to parents of autistic children, including an online directory which will pull together information according to your child’s age, diagnosis and where they live.


Somerset outreach team, providing support to families post diagnosis.



A useful website with information about dyslexia, assessment, identification etc


Information and support:

Council for disabled children, information, support and advice services


The government gateway for an overview of documents, support for children and advice services


Information, support and advice for parents of pupils with SEN.  This includes support for Education, Health and Care plans


Downs syndrome:

Downs syndrome association, the aim of this association is to help people with Downs syndrome to lead full and rewarding lives.


Education, skills and learning support:

Somerset, support services for education provides access to services available to support children and education providers.


Social, emotional and mental health:

Young minds are a national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children.


Local support for children and young people experiencing mental health needs


Hearing support: 

National Deaf Children’s society have an informative website for those who require further information and support on managing a hearing need.


Vision support:

The leading charity offering practical support,  advice and information to anyone with a sight problem.


Medical conditions support:

Find out more information on specific medical conditions such as Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder or Autistic Spectrum disorder and other medical conditions.