Pen Mill Infant and Nursery Academy

Strong foundations, greater opportunities.

Our child centred, language rich curriculum will enable every pupil to maximize their potential. They will recognise their strengths, develop a love for learning and be fully prepared for the next stage of their journey.

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Key workers and School hours

Key workers and School hours

5 January 2021 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers,

Just a reminder that the school will be open from 9am - 3pm Monday to Friday for children of key and critical workers and also for those who are vulnerable or have EHCP's.

We apologise, but wrap around care of Breakfast club and After School club WILL NOT be offered during this time.

If you would like for your child to attend school and you fit the key criteria listed in the link below, then please contact the school office with your requirements.

Kind regards,

School Admin